Top 5 Tips for a First-Timer at Bonnaroo

Being to a festival for the first time can be a daunting experience. You surely felt this before, but Bonnaroo is a special and magical experience so you need to brace yourself for this one.

So, we compiled a list of 5 useful tips for a First-Timer that goes to Bonnaroo.

1. Stay Hydrated

This is a no-brainer and maybe you ask yourself why we put this on the list but we assure you that so many people forget to hydrate themselves when they are in the heat of the action. 

2. Bring items for chilly weather

Chilly weather can hit you anytime unexpectedly. So, be sure to bring enough warm clothes and blankets with you. You never want to catch a cold when you need to catch the main stage :).

3. Explore

You should make a list of “must-see” artists and stick with it, but to get the best of it and have as much fun as possible, take some time to discover new artists and of course new types of people.

Remember, when you get out of your comfort zone – that’s when you discover awesome new things!

4. Make new friends

Talking to strangers should not discourage you. Of course, do not talk during sets :), but connecting before sets with people around you can make the experience even more memorable.

A tip for approaching people around is asking them what was the best moment the had at Roo and what sets they enjoyed.

5.  Don’t forget to take phone accessories

Do not forget to take your phone charger and your power bank. You surely do not want to run out of power when you lock in that perfect selfie with your Bonnaroovian friends.

Also, make sure you have a phone case for your device. This will ensure the protection of your phone against scratches or dents. 

So, here it is. Our compilation of 5 useful tips for every First-Timer at Bonnaroo. For more information about Bonnaroo, click here.

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